It’s a triple hat trick! Everyone should “Get Loud” about this in-stadium hype video for the Los Angeles Kings starting April 3rd! The video features this song by the band Ships Have Sailed and runs for ten games. If you want to check it out I guess you’ll have to buy some hockey tickets!.

Ships Have Sailed

Ships Have Sailed is an LA-based indie pop band formed by Will Carpenter and Art Andranikyan, driven by a shared passion for creating catchy, heartfelt music with meaningful lyrics. Their music often explores themes of resilience, self-discovery, and the ups and downs of the human experience, resonating with audiences seeking both catchy hooks and substantive lyrics. This one is a real barnburner!

LA Kings

Hockey hype videos are typically played during the team’s big games, playoffs, or at the beginning of the season to showcase the team’s highlights and generate anticipation for upcoming matches. They feature dramatic visuals, intense music and clips of memorable moments from past games.

Check it out live at the Arena!